
剧情  未知 1977  2021-09-09 01:01




《黑幕风云》是由皮厄特勒·加里克奇,比涅尤·扎塔西奇斯,克里斯汀·保罗·波德拉斯基,马里斯斯·德主演的一部剧情片,A group of students who are participating in a university's summer science camp are drawn into an incredible quagmire of conflicts, ranging from the relatively simple conflict between an engaging and forthright young teacher and his older manipulative colleague, to a contest pitting political correctness against free scientific inquiry. Despite the murkiness of some of the issues in the latter conflict, the students pitch in enthusiastically on what they believe to be the side of righteousness, and passions rise to fever pitch.~ Clarke Fountain, All Movie Guide


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